New Member - Hi James Adwards! - Language Exchange

Category: New Member
Discussion: Hi James Adwards!

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# Message Posted By
Hi James Adwards!
Hi James Adwards!I'm glad to take your profile.I'm a new member, really want to contact with you. I'm a Vietnamese student with major of English. I study at Duy Tan University of Da Nang City. Hoping that we can improve English as well as Vietnamese through taking part in this club. See you soon. Best wishes.

Language pair: Vietnamese; English

June 1, 2007

Re:Hi James Adwards!
Hi Trinh,
I'm Adam. I'm from Toronto, and I'm living in Seoul, Korea.
Soon, maybe in January, I'm heading to Vietnam, to Ho Chi Minh City. Do you live there? I would be happy to help you with your english and I would like you to help me with Vietnamese.
I don't know how to contact you, can you contact me?
Thanks, look forward to working with you.

Language pair: Vietnamese; English
This is a reply to message # 110717

November 17, 2007


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