Making Friends - German friends please! - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: German friends please!

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German friends please!
Hi, my name is Ana, i'm form Mexico and i would like to make german friends. i have been studying german about 5 months and i would like to practice it. Please contact me ok! ;)

Language pair: German; Spanish
November 20, 2007

Re:German friends please!
Hello Ana,

my name is Nicole and i`am from germany. I can help you to improve your german if you want. And maybe you can help me with my spanish.
I would be delighted if you write me.

Greetings Nicole

Hallo Ana,

ich heiße Nicole und komme aus Deutschland. Ich kann dir helfen dein Deutsch zu verbessern wenn du möchtest. Und vielleicht hilfst du mir mit meinem Spanisch.
Ich würde mich freuen wenn du mir schreibst.

Grüße Nicole

Language pair: German; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 122670
November 22, 2007


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