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122007 |
i can help you improving your german!
hi, im a 16 years old girl from germany, and i search friends, from england, usa, france, spain.... i would love to help you improving your german! we could write us some e-mails or in icq(if you know that). Write me!! It would be great if someone would answer me! Greetings Anna-Lena
Language pair: German; All
122176 |
Re:i can help you improving your german!
My name is Vatsal and I want to improve my German Language. I can give you lot of information on my wonderful country India. Pl reply
Language pair: German; All
This is a reply to message # 122007
123529 |
ich kan dir ein bischen spanisch lehren
ist es ganz einfach weil ich kan un poquito de Deutsch so ich weiss was du verstehen wirdst damit könen wir reden aunque no sepamos mucho del otro idioma
Language pair: German; All
This is a reply to message # 122007