Making Friends - English speaker looking for french / german speakers! - Language Exchange

Category: Making Friends
Discussion: English speaker looking for french / german speakers!

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# Message Posted By
English speaker looking for french / german speakers!
Hi! I'm a 17 year old english girl, looking for french and german speaking teens of around the same age, to make friends, improve my own french and german and learn more about the languages!
I'd be very happy to help you with your english!
Please contact, as I'm not a gold member!
Thank you!

Language pair: French; German
January 19, 2008

Re:English speaker looking for french / german speakers!
Hi laura I'm sara I'm french and i looking for a englis language partnert I'm not a member gold if you wante speak with me give me a reply an i'll give you me msn ^^
J'espére pourvoir être t correspondante ^^
Gros Bisous

Language pair: French; German
This is a reply to message # 125709

January 20, 2008

Re:English speaker looking for french / german speakers!
I'm searching for an english speaking teen like you. I'm a German and 17 years old.
Please answer if you like to contact me.

Language pair: English; English
This is a reply to message # 125709
January 23, 2008


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