Hobbies - Anyone like manga? - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Anyone like manga?

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Anyone like manga?
Hey, does anyone read CLAMP manga like xxxholic? Or Fruits Basket by Natsuki Takaya? If so, I'd love to chat! I don't speak a word of Japanese but I still like to learn about their culture through their books.

Language pair: English; Japanese
March 17, 2008

Re:Anyone like manga?
I love manga :) Unfortunately, I'm from Canada so I can't tell you anything about the Japanese culture:P I like reading ANY manga book, and I like the shows Inu Yasha, Bleach, aaand... well, I haven't been able to see any others recently. -_-'

Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 128551

April 4, 2008


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