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66205 |
hello, I am american student trying to learn japanese. If u are a fluent, native japanese speaker, please contact me, althoguht u have to conteact me first, because i am not a gold member. My hobby is music, and i like the japanese horror punk band balzac. If you want to learn englsih, i am willing to teach you. It would be apprecated if i could learn japanese from you. thanks! Eddie
Language pair: English; Japanese
66781 |
I'm a Japanese, studying Icelandic, French and English
Hi,I'm studying Icelandic,French and English besides my politics and Biz major. I like MSN and skype. I am looking forward meeting new people and studying language together!
Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 66205
133721 |
Re:I'm a Japanese, studying Icelandic, French and English
hey! i'm moroccan i want to learn japanese and english , i speak arabic, frensh , i love mangas...
Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 66781
137220 |
Re:Re:I'm a Japanese, studying Icelandic, French and English
HI, I speak English and am trying to learn French....so if you woild like for me to help u with your English and you help me with my French......maybe we can chat.
Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 133721