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Culture/History/Ethnology - table manners all over the world - Language Exchange

Category: Culture/History/Ethnology
Discussion: table manners all over the world

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table manners all over the world
Two members here showed some interest in table manners, how it was yesterday in France and England, and how it has changed today. Our French friend said that what is considered as rude in France is to put one's hands under the table, while our English friend said that it is the contrary that is impolite (putting the inactive hand on the table). For instance, in France it is rude to eructate (roter) while eating, while making air (peter) is rather tolerated. Whereas in Morocco, a big eructation (rot) is considered as something natural and can even be used as a polite sign of the guest's appreciation of the meal offered. But to make air (peter) in public is not at all tolerated, in whatever circumstances.
I propose to all members of this site, from different cultures to describe the table manners of their country or community. It could be a funny game to compare what is judged rude and what is not in each culture.

Language pair: French; English

June 10, 2008


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