New Member - KENYA ANYONE???? - Language Exchange

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Discussion: KENYA ANYONE????

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I traveled to Kenya several years ago and participated in a missions project providing eyecare to several villages in the Rift Valley. I fell in love with the country, but mostly the people. I am hoping to go back in the summer of 2009. In the meantime, I would like to perfect the limited Swahili I do know. I took a beginning Swahili class at a local jr. college, but since that time, the instructor has passed away and there are no other classes/instructors in my area . . . there's not a big demand for Swahili in California!

I am most anxious to learn and practice the basics. They people I will visit are not scholarly, yet I want to be able to converse with so many of them in home vists and the like. Can anyone help??

Language pair: English; Swahili

July 23, 2008


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