Seeking Partners - Im looking for a swedish partner! - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Im looking for a swedish partner!

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Im looking for a swedish partner!
i am a 14 year old girl.

I dont have a gold membership so i cannot talk to people directly (as you all may know) ^.^

I am very interested in learning swedish that i am trying to print almost eveything i can find!! WOOHOO - i hope that shows you how much i wanna learn haha

I speak and write fluent english and i would be very happy to teach someone more about it.

i would be proud to teach ANYONE *opens arms wide* A girl or a boy, someone from the age of 10 - ANY AGE YOU CAN THINK OF!!

but yes i would just die to learn swedish, plz contact me if you can help ^.- *wave*

Language pair: English; Swedish

August 13, 2008


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