New Member - um... h--hi - Language Exchange

Category: New Member
Discussion: um... h--hi

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# Message Posted By
um... h--hi
My name is Jessica Xiong~ um... it's been a very interseting day for me. haha... but i'd like to learn alot from this and hopefully become a wonderful international journalist one day. I'm 16 and currently living in the US. Please help me with everything you know! =)

Language pair: English; - Other -

September 9, 2008

Re:um... h--hi
my name's Quang. I am living in vietnam. I want to make friend with you, I teach you vietnamese. I hope you're happy with a new friend in vietnam. see you soon

Language pair: English; Vietnamese
This is a reply to message # 139885
nguyen truong

September 14, 2008


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