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138564 |
If you speak english, i can teach you spanish!!!!
hello, i speak spanish, but i want to learn english and i can teach you spanish.
please cantact me!!!
im not a gold user...
we can practice via MSN, SKYPE, MAIL...
Language pair: Spanish; English
139127 |
Re:If you speak english, i can teach you spanish!!!!
I am a NEW member (not gold). I took Spanish in High School ( a long tme ago) and would like to learn Spanish again.
Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 138564
139476 |
Re:Re:If you speak english, i can teach you spanish!!!!
Hi am intrested, I can help u in English, I need to learn spanish, am a new member, not gold, we can Voice chat on MSN, Google Talk..
Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 139127
139824 |
Re:If you speak english, i can teach you spanish!!!!
hey. im interested!! okay so i have only taken two semesters of spanish in junior high... i didnt really learn as much as i could have. so im a beginner. but i can definately help you with english. writing [[stories, poems, songs, etc.]] is something ive been told im very good at. so if you are willing, let me know!!
PS. im not a gold user!!
Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 138564
140458 |
Re:If you speak english, i can teach you spanish!!!!
I'd like also practice my English. If you want to practice your Spanish, please contact me.
Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 138564