Vocabulary/Translations - fast learning - Language Exchange

Category: Vocabulary/Translations
Discussion: fast learning

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# Message Posted By
fast learning
Hi! I'm Paola and I'd like to improve my english. I like clasical music, art, philosophy and I read a lot of books. I'm not a gold member, so I'm waiting for someone that contact me.
Wuold you talking with me about italian litterature?

Language pair: Italian; English

November 14, 2008

Re:fast learning
Ciao Paola, mi chiamo Carmen e vorrei parlare di piu` con te. Sono un'Americana e ho bisogno di practica. Non lo so essattamente come si fa sul questa sita, ma scrivami quando puoi. Grazie, a presto!

Language pair: Italian; English
This is a reply to message # 143870
November 15, 2008

Re:Re:fast learning
Hi Carmen! Nice to meet you. I had to change my user Id because I lost my temporary e-mail. Several days ago I was Serena Variabile, Now I am bpaola18 or more easier Paola. I'm not a gold member so I cannot contact you, but if you're a gold member you can look for me, take my e-mail address and contact me. If you're not a gold member too, we always can speak on the bulletin board. I can correct your grammatical errors and you can correct mine. For example: we write "esattamente" with only one "s" and not with two, as you write, and the translation for the english word site, is SITO and not "sita". Please correct my grammatical errors too, we help each others to improve and learn languages

Language pair: Italian; English
This is a reply to message # 143961
November 16, 2008


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