Seeking Partners - Looking for native speaker of non-european languages - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Looking for native speaker of non-european languages

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Looking for native speaker of non-european languages
Hi all! I'm working on my college dissertation about language differences and I'm looking for people who are native speakers of languages other than ones in the indo-european group. My primary language is Macedonian, but I study in Germany and I'm also fluent in English. So basically if anyone wants to improve those 3 languages I'm willing to help if you can answer some questions for me =) Hope to talk to you soon!

Language pair: Macedonian; German
June 8, 2008

Re:Looking for native speaker of non-european languages
I would love to learn Macedonian and I can answer any questions you have in english...

Language pair: Macedonian; English
This is a reply to message # 133680

January 13, 2009


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