Seeking Partners - Will teach English in exchange for French or Bosnian :-) - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Will teach English in exchange for French or Bosnian :-)

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Will teach English in exchange for French or Bosnian :-)
My name is Alma and I am looking for a member that can speak either Bosnian or French or both :-)

I am originally from Bosnia, but left as a child due to the war... I wish to go back and work in order to help my country and my people but cannot do so without an excellent command of the language. French is the official language of the business world along with English, and so I would like to continue my education in this field :)

I speak English perfectly, so if need help, please contact me :-)

Zovem se Alma i trazim osobu sto prica ili Bosanski ili Francuski, a moze i obadvoje do duse :P

Rodjena sam u Bosni, ali otisla sam iz Bosne kao malena... Htjela bih se vratit u Bosni napokon, jer mi je cilj da (uz pomoc moje generacije), podignem Bosnu na svjestku stazu... ali to ne mogu uradit dok ne naucim pricat bosanski do savrsenstva... Ako znate Francuski, to bi bilo super :-)

Naravno, ja cu vam pomoci sa Engleskom jeziku :) Hvala!

Language pair: English; Bosnian
April 11, 2009


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