Seeking Partners - Hello, i'm looking for a someone who speak spanish - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Hello, i'm looking for a someone who speak spanish

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Hello, i'm looking for a someone who speak spanish
I'm Micha³ and I would like to learn spanish. I can teach polish, because it is my native language

I have Skype, if you wanna talk or we can talk through the mail.

Please send a message on the bulletin board or answer this message.

I'm not a gold member, so we must find the other way to contact each.

Best regards,

Language pair: Spanish; Polish
July 8, 2009

Re:Hello, i'm looking for a someone who speak spanish
Hello Micha, i could help u with spanish if u like cus is my mother tongue and i'd really like to learn some polish (i don't think i'll be brilliant at it but why not tryin huh?)... but i'm not golden member either so that's a problm =/ but ur ideas are good, i have skype too so that could help...well, we'll see!

Language pair: Spanish; Polish
This is a reply to message # 157062
July 9, 2009

Re:Re:Hello, i'm looking for a someone who speak spanish
Mucho gusto, Paola!
First of all, it's not "my mother tongue". It's "my mother language", if you're talking about your mother's language. It can be also "my native language" :)

I hope you'll find a way to contact me now :) As you said, skype is a good way to improve our languages.

Language pair: Spanish; Polish
This is a reply to message # 157101
July 12, 2009


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