165538 |
I would like to know your travel experiences
I'm from SPain and I'm studying English. I like to travel around the world to know differents cultures and ways to live. Up to now I've been in Roma, London, New York, Washington, Philadelphia, Boston, Niágara and Toronto. Of course I've been in several places of Spain. I'm from Catalonia (Barcelona) really beautiful place. But Spain has more nice places like Malaga, Sevilla, Galicia, Bilbao, etc... I can explain you some details of these cities. I would like to visit someday Nordic European countries and West American States. It would be wonderful to go to Africa too. In conclusion there are a lot of places where I want to go, but not enough time nor money, so can you exaplin me places you know and you think there are interesting to visit?
Language pair: English; Spanish
166975 |
Re:I would like to know your travel experiences
Hola! Soy de Seattle, Washington y estudié y viví en Sevilla, España de enero 2009 a junio 2009 y la echo de menos muchísmo. Creo que tu has estado en más lugares que yo, pero soy lo mismo y quiero visitar a los lugares nórdicos también -especialmente dinamarca, suecia, y islandia. Fue criado en japón pero soy americana y me gustaba mucho - debes visitarlo. También he visitado a costa rica y fue bellísima. Que idiomas sabes?
Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 165538