Activities and Games - Hi, My native language is Chinese. Need help on English and Spanish - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Hi, My native language is Chinese. Need help on English and Spanish

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Hi, My native language is Chinese. Need help on English and Spanish
I hope to have change to speak ^^

Language pair: English; Spanish
January 24, 2010

Re:Hi, My native language is Chinese. Need help on English and Spanish
Hi, anything in particular you need help with?

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 166867
January 29, 2010

Re:Re:Hi, My native language is Chinese. Need help on English and Spanish
I think mostly I need to to practice speaking . I don't have chance to speak in English or Spanish. So whenever someone talk to me, I'm stutterd. Can't find the right word to say.

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 167103
February 2, 2010


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