Internet Technology - Hello, I need to practice and speak bengali, I can speak español, can you help me please? - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Hello, I need to practice and speak bengali, I can speak español, can you help me please?

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Hello, I need to practice and speak bengali, I can speak español, can you help me please?
Hola me gustaria aprender el idioma Bengali, es un idioma que se me hace interesante, podemos hablar español si tu quieres aprender y asi intercambiamos ideas, cultura, etc. Saludos.Bye.

Language pair: Bengali; Bengali
May 27, 2010

Re:Hello, I need to practice and speak bengali, I can speak español, can you help me please?
hi!11111i want to talk fluent english can u help me please

Language pair: Bengali; Bengali
This is a reply to message # 171405

June 26, 2010


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