Vocabulary/Translations - is there anyone who can want to learn italian by e-mail ? - Language Exchange

Category: Vocabulary/Translations
Discussion: is there anyone who can want to learn italian by e-mail ?

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is there anyone who can want to learn italian by e-mail ?
Hi, I'm not a gold member.. is there anyone who wants to write e-mail in italian. I'd like to read in spanish but also english is welcome.

Ciao, non sono un membro gold... c'è qualcuno che vuole scrivere delle e-mail in italiano ? Mi piacerebbe leggere in spagnolo, ma anche l'inglese è benvenuto.

ciao a tutti

Language pair: Spanish; Italian

August 18, 2010

Re:is there anyone who can want to learn italian by e-mail ?
Yes, I want to learn Italian by email. Please help me to learn it as I don't even know ABC of Italian.

Language pair: Spanish; Italian
This is a reply to message # 174107
Rakesh Kumar

August 20, 2010


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