Activities and Games - Hello I would like to learn how to count from 0-10 in Filipino (Tagalog) - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Hello I would like to learn how to count from 0-10 in Filipino (Tagalog)

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Hello I would like to learn how to count from 0-10 in Filipino (Tagalog)
Hello, I am trying to learn more of the my father's language (Filipino). I am currently wondering how to count from 0-10 in Tagalog and also how say my alphabet in Tagalog. Can someone out there help me with this?

Also can someone tell me how to say my alphabet in Thai and in Bahasa Indonesian? Thank You.. and if someone knows how to say the alphabet in Japanese that would be wonderful if you could tell me how.

Thanks a bunch!

Language pair: English; All
May 20, 2003

Re:Hello I would like to learn how to count from 0-10 in Filipino (Tagalog)
hey, whats with wanting all the alphabets? anyway, japanese alphabet is really easy
a i u e o
ka ki ku ke ko
sa shi su se so
ta chi tsu te to
na ni nu ne no
ha hi hu he ho
ma mi mu me mo
ya yu yo
ra ri ru re ro
wa wo n

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 13424
May 31, 2003

Re:Hello I would like to learn how to count from 0-10 in Filipino (Tagalog)
Hey I would be more than happy to teach you how to count 0-10 in Filipino. It's really easy and fun too!
1- one, uno
2- two, dos
3- three, tres
4- four, quatro
5- five, singko
6-six, sais
7- seven, siete
8-eight, otso
9-nine, nuebe

and maybe... if you know a little information about Chinese mandarin, could you teach me?

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 13424
June 6, 2003

Re:Re:Hello I would like to learn how to count from 0-10 in Filipino (Tagalog)
Please note that some Filipinos grew up speaking more Spanish than Tagalog...The other person before me said the numbers in Spanish...This is incorrect...This is the true translation:

1. isa (i-sa)
2. dalawa (da-la-wa)
3. tatlo (tat-lo)
4. apat (a-pat)
5. lima (li-ma)
6. anim (a-nim)
7. pito (pi-to)
8. walu (wa-lo)
9. siyam (syahm)
10. sampu (sam-poo)

Also, please note that Tagalog is a very phonetic language...Most "a's" are pronounced like a very short "uh" nad "i's" are pronounced like a very short "ih"...Write back if you would like to learn more...

Language pair: English; Filipino (Tagalog)
This is a reply to message # 14232
August 12, 2003

Re:Re:Re:Hello I would like to learn how to count from 0-10 in Filipino (Tagalog)
oo nga..maraming salitang Tagalog ay hiram sa wikang Kastila..ang nakakatuwa pa ay hindi man lang natin alam na ito'y hiram na mga salita.

That's right..many Tagalog words are actually borrowed from the Spanish language..what's funnier is we don't even know these are borrowed words.

Language pair: English; Filipino (Tagalog)
This is a reply to message # 17563
November 29, 2006


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