Seeking Partners - I am looking for a Spanish speaking partner - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: I am looking for a Spanish speaking partner

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I am looking for a Spanish speaking partner
Hello Everyone,

I've just signed up and still getting familiar with this site. I am studying Spanish, and I'm looking for a Spanish speaking partner (female preferred for now). I am 34. I am from Poland, but have been living in the States for the past 11 years. I will be happy to help you with Polish or English.

Language pair: Polish; English
July 7, 2011

Re:I am looking for a Spanish speaking partner
Hi Kasia! I'm Ana. I speak spanish and I'm interested in practicing my english. I'm also new to this site and I'm not a gold member so I can't contact people.
Soy de Venezuela y me encantaria ayudarte a mejorar tu espanol, si te interesa y eres miembro de oro puedes contactarme. Saludos!

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 181979

July 9, 2011


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