183616 |
Looking for native Polish speaking Language Exchange (email, voice, text) partner from ages 13-15
My name is Elias and I am 13 years old. Gender does not matter. You need to speak at least a little English (I mean more than hello, or thank you.) I speak very little Polish, but I am willing to study and help you study English as well. Cześć. Chłopak i dziewczyna są dobrze. Można mówić po trochę angielsku (nie tylko 'hello' i 'thank you')? Mówię dość trochę po polsku, ale uczym się. Można pomóc ci się uczyć angielska... Przepraszam...My grammar is really bad...
Language pair: Polish; English
191384 |
Re:Looking for native Polish speaking Language Exchange (email, voice, text) partner from ages 13-15
Hello :) I'm Julia and I'm 12 years old. I need help to learning English! I am willing learn you Polish :)
Cze¶æ :) Mam na imiê Julia i mam 12 lat. Potrzebujê pomocy w nauce Angielskiego! Jestem chêtna uczyæ ciê Polskiego :)
Language pair: Polish; English
This is a reply to message # 183616