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180685 |
I love dog!!
Hello,everyone! My name is Ryoko and I love dog!! I have two French bulldogs! and I want to learn English more:)
Language pair: Japanese; English
185027 |
Re:I love dog!!
Hi Ryoko! My name is Peggy :) I also like dog's I have a mini fox terrier named Missy and a kelpie cross named Roo, what are your dog's names?
Language pair: Japanese; English
This is a reply to message # 180685
238188 |
Re:I love dog!!
Hi, Ryoko! Here's your English lesson: if you're talking about more than one object (or subject), put an "s" at the end of the noun (like "dog") to show that there are many (like "dogs"). This is a simplified statement of this law (without exception or special cases). This "s" in English is like 々 in Japanese (only unlike sign 々 this "s" is mandatory, if you do not count exceptions). Oh, yes! I also like dogs (although I like cats even more)!
Language pair: Japanese; English
This is a reply to message # 180685