Practice Tips - need to learn Hebrew - Language Exchange

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Discussion: need to learn Hebrew

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need to learn Hebrew
Shalom my name is Cynthia ,I am fluent in English and I am of Hebrew descent/nationality so I am trying to learn how to speak it.Anyone who is 100% fluent in Hebrew I would love it if you could teach me and I will teach you English :)I promise I don't bite and I love to meet new friends.
Toda Raba.

Language pair: English; Hebrew

October 27, 2011

Re:need to learn Hebrew
Shalom Cynthia,

I am fluent in Hebrew and I would love to help. I have to admit that I don't really need to practice my English as I am working on a BA in English for more than two years now. Nonetheless, it will be my pleasure to help if needed.

What sort of help do you need? Do you know/speak any Hebrew?

And: al lo davar (=you're welcome) :)

Language pair: English; Hebrew
This is a reply to message # 184946

December 6, 2011


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