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56753 |
tim burton, anybody?
konnichiwa! bonjour!
i am a huge fan of tim burton....i was wondering if anyone here has seen 'charlie and the chocolate factory' yet, and how you liked it or didn't like it.
Language pair: Japanese; French
57140 |
Re:tim burton, anybody?
Bonjour! I saw " charlie et la chocolaterie" last week. I liked the book so knew i would enjoy the movie. But i really did, i like Tim Burton too and i really think he has done a good job with that movie. I can't wait to see his next movie/cartoon about that boy marrying a dead lady, i can't remenber the title but it sounds great!
Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 56753
62397 |
Re:Re:tim burton, anybody?
Corpse Bride is the movie about marrying the dead lady. It's an old Russian folk tale and the movie looks sweet. I love Johnny Depp! He's so pretty! Johnny Depp for President!!! :)
Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 57140
186272 |
Re:tim burton, anybody?
i saw it and it was amasing because i like chocolate and there was a chocolate word if you like chocolate you must see it :)
Language pair: Japanese; French
This is a reply to message # 56753
186410 |
Re:tim burton, anybody?
Selam; koniichiwa!
i'm also a huge fan of tim burton and jhonny deep. i watch his all movies. charl.c.f is really great. specially; it is a kid book but a movie for all people from all ages. it was great but it can't beat the other films of tim burton.
Language pair: Turkish; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 56753
186411 |
Re:tim burton, anybody?
Selam; koniichiwa!
i'm also a huge fan of tim burton and jhonny deep. i watch his all movies. charl.c.f is really great. specially; it is a kid book but a movie for all people from all ages. it was great but it can't beat the other films of tim burton.
Language pair: Turkish; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 56753
186826 |
Re:Re:tim burton, anybody?
‚±‚ñ‚΂ñ‚íI wƒ`ƒƒ[ƒŠ[‚ƃ`ƒ‡ƒRƒŒ[ƒgHêxA‚킽‚µ‚àŒ© ‚Ü‚µ‚½‚æB ˆ¤‚ªƒe[ƒ}‚È‚ñ‚¾‚ÆŠ´‚¶‚Ü‚µ‚½B
Hi ! I saw w Charlie and the Chocolate Factoryx I felt c@the theme is love.
Language pair: Japanese; French
This is a reply to message # 186272
187252 |
Re:tim burton, anybody?
I've loved the Tim Burton movies since I was little and my parents got me Nightmare Before Christmas on VHS. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was ok, but personally, I really like Edward Scissor Hands.
Language pair: English; French
This is a reply to message # 56753
189490 |
Re:tim burton, anybody?
i saw charlie and chocalate factory. that was amazing :) willy wonka chocalate bars!!
Language pair: Japanese; French
This is a reply to message # 56753