New Member - Looking for PenPal in Finland and/or Germany - Language Exchange

Category: New Member
Discussion: Looking for PenPal in Finland and/or Germany

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# Message Posted By
Looking for PenPal in Finland and/or Germany
Hello! My name is Lauren and I am interested in learning Finnish and German languages. I have the hopes of making an international but wonderful long lasting friendship. It is my plan to make trips, travel, and perhaps even move abroad.

I currently live in the US and attend college for nursing. I am interested in travel, music, philosophical discussions, the arts, and sciences.

My profile wont let me load a photo so I am working on that...

If someone would be intersted in becoming a pen pal with me and helping me learn their language (Finnish, German, or even French) and in return, I will attempt my best to teach you English. Nevertheless, I want to make a friendship of this as well. =) Then who knows what...!

Language pair: Finnish; German
February 17, 2012

Re:Looking for PenPal in Finland and/or Germany
moi lauren,

im from germany, munich. ive a friend from finnland. its a wonderful language.t
i hope to hear from u

Language pair: Finnish; German
This is a reply to message # 187886

February 18, 2012


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