Vacations/Travels - I look for people to travel and learn english...... i can teach you spanish! - Language Exchange

Category: Vacations/Travels
Discussion: I look for people to travel and learn english...... i can teach you spanish!

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I look for people to travel and learn english...... i can teach you spanish!
Hi! i am a girl from San Sebastian (basque country) and after stay one month in Australia on holidays, i think i need improve my english level! So, i propose you a deal: you teach me english i teach you spanish!

Hola! soy una chica de San Sebastian (país vasco) y después de pasar un mes de vacaciones en Australia, creo que necesito mejorar mi nivel de inglés! Por eso, te propongo un trato: tu me enseñas inglés y yo te enseño español!

Language pair: English; Spanish
September 16, 2012

Re:I look for people to travel and learn english...... i can teach you spanish!
Hi, i can help you with english!

Language pair: English; Afrikaans
This is a reply to message # 193180

November 3, 2012


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