Seeking Partners - Arabic Fusha - Language Exchange

Category: Seeking Partners
Discussion: Arabic Fusha

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# Message Posted By
Arabic Fusha
Hey everyone,

I am currently learning Arabic, Fusha. I am already taking lessons so I mainly need someone to correct my notes from books I read in Arabic. I translate as I go along and I need someone to help me with that.
I am not interested in voice chat but only writing exchange & would like to correspond with females only.

Language pair: Arabic, other; All
Umm Zakariyyah

May 1, 2013

Re:Arabic Fusha
I would like to help. My wife has a good command of Arabic Fusha and I'd like to teach her English. I will tell here and I think she would like to help.

Language pair: Arabic, other; All
This is a reply to message # 198017
July 23, 2013

Re:Arabic Fusha
I would like to help. My wife has a good command of Arabic Fusha and I'd like to teach her English. I will tell here and I think she would like to help.

Language pair: Arabic, other; All
This is a reply to message # 198017
July 23, 2013


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