Hobbies - Here I come Japan! 私は日本に行くよ! - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Here I come Japan! 私は日本に行くよ!

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Here I come Japan! 私は日本に行くよ!
わたしわ Linaka Greensword (リナカ クリンスワド) です。
ぎりす じん です。
エいご わ わかります か?
よろしく おねがいします。

I need to work on my Japanese! My hobbies are traveling, drawing, watching Japanese animation, games, reading fiction, cinema, music (film soundtracks and Japanese rock) and photography.

Looking forward to going to Japan next year and would love to exchange my knowledge of English for Japanese.

Language pair: English; Japanese

August 25, 2013

Re:Here I come Japan! 私は日本に行くよ!
Welcome to Japan!
I hope you will like it :)

Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 200371
August 30, 2013

Re:Here I come Japan! 私は日本に行くよ!
Sounds good ! Where are you going to stay in Japan ?
I love a game or comics, too !
Because Japan has various subcultures, enjoy it by all means.
I hope so that your stay in Japan is good !

Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 200371
September 10, 2013

Re:Here I come Japan! 私は日本に行くよ!
I'd stayed in London for one and half month until just 2weeks ago!
nice to meet you:)

Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 200371
October 10, 2013

Re:Here I come Japan! 私は日本に行くよ!
Hello, Linaka!
Here are a few (maybe a little annoying) bug fixes in your Japanese (sorry, I'm a little bored here - as I'm not a "Gold Member" I have nothing to correspond with).
So: this Japanese word, pronounced as わ, which means "is" or "am" or "are", depending on the context, is actually written as は (a common exception). Write it as わ in Japanese is not correct (Google Translate can recognize this pronunciation, but other programs may not understand it; in romaji it is not fully incorrect - it is a pronunciation version).
Example of correct text:
私は リナカ.グリーンスワードです。
The word "I" (watashi) is usually written in kanji; "am" is written as は
(but exceptionally pronounced as わ); your surname is separated from the word by a dot (not a space) and it (surname) is written with グ ("gu") instead of ク ("ku"); after リ ("ri") and ワ ("wa") in your last name is a Japanese long character (resulting in リー and ワー, which means the long pronunciation of these syllables) .
What else? In the word イギリス you forgot イ, and the remainder is written down with hiragana (this is a loanword so it requires a katakana).
In addition, it is better to write じん ("jin") with kanji, so that it will come out:
Exceptionally, イギリス is not desirable to write in kanji (英吉利), along with じ ん kanji form (人), they, quite surprisingly, with Google Translate turn into a human name (from 英吉利 人 comes out full name Toshito Hideyoshi, do not ask me in what way...)
Next: えいご must be written throughout with hiragana (it does not count as a loanword), you hiragana え misspelled with katakana エ, so even with Google Translate your sentence is no longer recognized as needed. It is even better to write えいご with kanji (英語).
Comes out: 英語はわかりますか?
Remember that this は pronounces as わ (but it is not normal to write it as わ, even if Google Translate allows it). That was the exception so わかります first syllable is written and pronounced the same (as わ).
Theoretically, it is possible not to use a question mark (replace with a Japanese dot), because か already shows that it is a form of a question (unfortunately Google Translate does not understand it, so I do not use this option in the example).
Note that English is not my native language, so I may have mistakes in it; I am still learning Japanese too.

Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 200371
December 3, 2020


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