Study Abroad - American girl looking for German to practice with! - Language Exchange

Category: Study Abroad
Discussion: American girl looking for German to practice with!

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# Message Posted By
American girl looking for German to practice with!

My name is Kallie and I'm 19 years old! I'm trying to better my german and would love to have someone to talk with to better my German. I can also help you with english if you would like. I love meeting people from Germany and love Germany in general so any help you have to offer would be wonderful

Please message me, or even reply here and we can figure something out on how we can start talking.
I can't wait to talk to you!

Language pair: English; German
September 4, 2013

Re:American girl looking for German to practice with!
Hey, my Name is Caro. I'm from Germany. I'd like to have a penpal or so to improve my English skills... in reverse could help you improving your German skills. Deal?

Language pair: English; German
This is a reply to message # 200576
October 24, 2013


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