New Member - Vietnamese person wants to practice English - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Vietnamese person wants to practice English

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# Message Posted By
Vietnamese person wants to practice English
Hello, I am 42 and my daughter is 12. we are Vietnamese, we would like to practice English, I can help you to learn Vietnamese. Vietnamese is beautiful with many landscapes, if you visit Vietnam, we will be your tour gudie.

Language pair: Vietnamese; English

July 29, 2013

Re:Vietnamese person wants to practice English

I´m not sure if my english is much better than yours, but I´d really like to talk to people all over the world. I´d be glad to be able to talk to someone who comes from Vietnam because my family and I are thinking of visiting Vietnam next summer and I think it´s good to know something about the country.
If you´re interested just response.

Language pair: Vietnamese; English
This is a reply to message # 199780
August 1, 2013

Re:Re:Vietnamese person wants to practice English
I'm a Vietnamese and I want to talk to people all over the world in English, I can help you to learn Vietnamese. I'm a regular member so please contact me first.

Language pair: Vietnamese; English
This is a reply to message # 199850
Lê Văn

August 6, 2013

Re:Re:Vietnamese person wants to practice English
Hi Alina,
I'm 21 years old and i'm student. I think i can help you pratices ur Vietnamese language. I have anything to talk with u ab Vietnam.
Nice to meet u Alina!
Ca Dao.

Language pair: Vietnamese; English
This is a reply to message # 199850
Ca Dao

September 12, 2013

Re:Re:Vietnamese person wants to practice English
Hi Alina,
I'm 21 years old and i'm student. I think i can help you pratices ur Vietnamese language. I have anything to talk with u ab Vietnam.
Nice to meet u Alina!
Ca Dao.

Language pair: Vietnamese; English
This is a reply to message # 199850
Ca Dao

September 12, 2013

Re:Re:Vietnamese person wants to practice English
Hi Alina,
I'm 21 years old and i'm student. I think i can help you pratices ur Vietnamese language. I have anything to talk with u ab Vietnam.
Nice to meet u Alina!
Ca Dao.

Language pair: Vietnamese; English
This is a reply to message # 199850
Ca Dao

September 12, 2013

Re:Vietnamese person wants to practice English
Hi Loan Le,

I'm Thai, 30 years old. I speak English quite well and I'm now working for a British Company. I've studied basic Vietnamese for 2 courses. Now I would like to practice more Vietnamese also learn more about Vietnamese culture. I can offer chatting with you in Thai and English in exchange.

My name is Namphueng but my name in Vietnamese once I joined the Vietnamese class is Huong. My Teacher named me that. You can call me so. Hope to hear from you :)

Language pair: Vietnamese; English
This is a reply to message # 199780
October 7, 2013

Re:Re:Vietnamese person wants to practice English
Hi Namphueng(Huong) :)
My name's Thao. I'm 23 years old. I'm Vietnamese and I want to practise English. I think i can help you practise Vietnamese. Why do we practise together? :) Hoping for your feedback!

Language pair: Vietnamese; English
This is a reply to message # 201485

October 12, 2013


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