Vocabulary/Translations - Please help! - Korean Translation for Martial Arts School - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Please help! - Korean Translation for Martial Arts School

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Please help! - Korean Translation for Martial Arts School
Hi there,

Does this make sense as a school name: 풍백무술권 ???
(Poong Baek Mushu Kwon)

I run a Tae Kwon Do program and we're in the process of finally making emblems for our Uniforms. I wanted to put our club name: "Poong Baek Martial Arts Academy" in Korean, instead of English...

Poong Baek is a name, he's the wind spirit in the myth of Tangun apparently, so 풍백

Apparently the word for martial art is "mushu"? so like "wushu" in chinese, so 무술

And then someone told me that for martial arts schools, instead of "hac kyo"학교 for school, it should be Kwon, so 권.

is 풍백무술권 Something that makes any sense? For Tae Kwon Do schools in Korea, do you know how the school's are normally named? My experience is that usually it's named after the master, so something like "Kang's Tae Kwon Do Academy", but how do you say that in Korean?

I just want to make sure that if we have people who speak Korean, they won't be confused by our name too much. (I know poong baek might be strange anyway..)

Please help!

- Aaron

Language pair: English; Korean
December 4, 2013


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