Family and Pets - My aquarium - Language Exchange

Category: Family and Pets
Discussion: My aquarium

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# Message Posted By
My aquarium
Hello, I' m Susan and I come from Germany. English is my first foreign language to learn and French is the second one. I start by telling you about my favourite pets in the free time, variety of fascinating fish in my big Aquarium. They are tropical. The ones that originally come from the river Orinoco are bred in Germany by hobby breeders to be then sold in the pet shop. I have always bought those nice orange-colored ground fish with black stripes. They are easy to care, no need special food.

Comme le Français est la deuxieme langue que j' appris, je continue a ecrire cette lettre en Français.
Je veux voyager selon l' Alsace et le Strasbourg cet automne. Peut-etre je peux appredre quelques choses sur la fascinacion (est-ce que ce mot est ecrit correctement en Français ? Simon, correctez-moi, s' il vous plait). :-) des animaux domestiques en France. Avez-vous aussi d' experience avec des poissons tropiques ? Je serais heureuse de vous lire ! A bientot,

Language pair: English; French
July 25, 2014

Re:My aquarium
Hi Susan, my name is Jesus and I'm from Mexico, like you, English is my first foreign language and I think that is awesome can talk to people from another country like you. I have four goldfish plus one small koi, they are freshwater fish and are so chubby and funny. I'm glad to meet you.

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 208819
September 3, 2015

Re:My aquarium
Ça va?
Je voudrais savoir si vous avez à la fin appris bien la langue française.

Language pair: French; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 208819

August 18, 2021


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