Vocabulary/Translations - i need to learn bahasa (indonés) . I can teach spanish or catalan, And i can speak some english too. - Language Exchange

Category: Vocabulary/Translations
Discussion: i need to learn bahasa (indonés) . I can teach spanish or catalan, And i can speak some english too.

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i need to learn bahasa (indonés) . I can teach spanish or catalan, And i can speak some english too.
HI! i need some premium member to speak bahasa (indones). I will go to menthawai islands in sumer, and i will spend all the time arround natives.
I would like talk him with his lenguage.
My english isn't the best, but i understand. Spanish is my mother lenguage and i can to teach it.

Language pair: Spanish; English

January 20, 2015

Re:i need to learn bahasa (indonés) . I can teach spanish or catalan, And i can speak some english too.
hey i am Indonesian, i can teach you Bahasa Indonesia

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 213013

January 25, 2015

Re:i need to learn bahasa (indonés) . I can teach spanish or catalan, And i can speak some english too.
Hi. I'm Indonesian, but I am not a premium member. I am interested in learning Spanish.

Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 213013

February 2, 2015


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