Books/Literature - Hello! I' m Italian and I want to improve my English - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Hello! I' m Italian and I want to improve my English

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Hello! I' m Italian and I want to improve my English
Can you suggest me some books,which is not too difficult, to improve my English? It doesn't mind what kind of book it is, I like all genres.
Thanks you.

Language pair: Italian; English
February 28, 2015

Re:Hello! I' m Italian and I want to improve my English
Hey! Avevo iniziato a scrivere in inglese ma mi sembrava strano (poi comunque traduco, così capiscono più persone) visto che sono italiana anche io.
Io ho letto "Carmilla" di Sheridan LeFanu, "Anthem" di Ayn Rand e "Deliver us from Evie" di M. E. Kerr. Sono tre generi completamenti diversi, il primo è una storia breve su una ragazza vampiro (probabilmente la conosci), il secondo è sul genere di "1984" di George Orwell quindi più sul filosofico e l'ultimo parla di come un bambino reagisce e vive l'innamoramento della sorella più grande con un'altra ragazza. Mi spiace se non sono i tuoi generi, ma io li ho trovati tutti e tre piuttosto facili da leggere e capire. Li avevo cercati in inglese perché di un paio non riuscivo a trovare la traduzione in italiano, e i primi due li puoi facilmente trovare in PDF su internet.
Ultima cosa, "Athem" è abbastanza facile da capire, ma può far pensare. E personalmente amo quando un libro fa pensare.
Spero di esserti stata utile.
Ciao :)

Hi, I'm going to translate this, so if someone else is interested they will able to understand.
I've read "Carmilla" by Sheridan LeFanu, "Anthem" by Ayn Rand and "Deliver us from Evie" by M. E. Kerr. They all are different genres, the first one talk about a vampire girl (I'm sure a lot of you know this story), the second one is pretty similar to "1984" by George Orwell (and about this... if you haven't read it yet, go read it!) so it's a bit philosophical, the last one is about a little boy who has to deal with his sister's love for a girl, that seems to change a lot of things in their life. So I'm sorry if they are not your genres, but I think they are quite easy to read. I read them in English because I couldn't find them in Italian, and you can find the first two on the internet (PDF format).
Also, "Anthem" is pretty easy to read and understand, but it can make you think a lot. And I love that about books!
I hope this will help some of you.
Bye bye
(And sorry if my English is not the best)

Language pair: Italian; English
This is a reply to message # 213904
March 28, 2015

Re:Hello! I' m Italian and I want to improve my English
I'd recommend Eleanor and park, it's so good.
Aside from being popular, it's simple and you'll find a lot of expressions that will help with your English.

Language pair: Italian; English
This is a reply to message # 213904

April 10, 2015


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