Activities and Games - I can't wait to learn Spanish! I will teach you English if you help me with my Spanish :) - Language Exchange

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Discussion: I can't wait to learn Spanish! I will teach you English if you help me with my Spanish :)

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I can't wait to learn Spanish! I will teach you English if you help me with my Spanish :)
I have an advanced level for writing, grammar, reading and speaking English.
I have a medium ability to speak, read and write Spanish. I have been doing it for close to one year now. I can speak (Spain's) Spanish and some of the Latin American dialect. My grammar isn't perfect, but that's where you come in!

I am very patient and understanding as I hope you would be with me. I am a humorous person and fun to be around. I enjoy riding my snowboard, motorcycle and playing my electric guitar with Spider 3 amplifier when I'm not in the mountains hiking around taking photographs of nature.

Hit me up anytime for whatever and we'll chat about anything. I love to learn and can't wait for us to talk.

Language pair: English; Spanish

January 28, 2015

Re:I can't wait to learn Spanish! I will teach you English if you help me with my Spanish :)
Hey Chad, maybe I can help you! I'm from Uruguay but spanish is spanish everywhere haha!

I want to speak english fluently, so maybe we both get what we want!

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 213224
January 30, 2015

Re:Re:I can't wait to learn Spanish! I will teach you English if you help me with my Spanish :)
Good to hear from you Juan!

You are correct Spanish is Spanish but with a few words that change with different dialects. What areas did you want to focus on for English?

I would like to talk about sports, likes, hobbies or whatever you want to chat about. I need practice speaking and bit of grammar for Spanish.

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 213277

January 31, 2015

Re:Re:I can't wait to learn Spanish! I will teach you English if you help me with my Spanish :)
Good to hear from you Juan!

You are correct Spanish is Spanish but with a few words that change with different dialects. What areas did you want to focus on for English?

I would like to talk about sports, likes, hobbies or whatever you want to chat about. I need practice speaking and bit of grammar for Spanish.

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 213277

January 31, 2015

Re:Re:Re:I can't wait to learn Spanish! I will teach you English if you help me with my Spanish :)
Hola Chad, cómo estás?
Si querés te puedo ayudar con Español, soy de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Necesitás aprender gramática? Mejorar y ampliar tu vocabulario?

Mandame un mensaje o dejame un comentario acá.
Hope you're doing well.

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 213291
February 1, 2015

Re:Re:Re:Re:I can't wait to learn Spanish! I will teach you English if you help me with my Spanish :)
Hola Nico,

Como estas? Yoy soy muy bueno y necesito ayuda con mi espanol. Gramatica, habla con cualquier. Yo encontrar mi table de snowboard, mi motocicleta y toca la guitarra. Yo tengo un guitarra electrica y un arana de amplificado.

Sports, hobbies, business or interests is what I love to talk about. I snowboard and am a fanatic about it. I haven't figured out how to use the accents yet for this website. Sorry if it confuses you with my writing. Not sure if it makes sense yet.

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 213319

February 2, 2015

Re:I can't wait to learn Spanish! I will teach you English if you help me with my Spanish :)
Hello Chad I can help you if you like lernig Spanish.

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 213224

April 7, 2015

Re:I can't wait to learn Spanish! I will teach you English if you help me with my Spanish :)
Hello Chad I can help you if you like lernig Spanish.

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 213224

April 7, 2015

Re:I can't wait to learn Spanish! I will teach you English if you help me with my Spanish :)
How do you do?I am glad to write you and I hope you to write me into English.I will write you into Spanish.

Language pair: English; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 213224

April 30, 2015


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