New Member - Let's practice !! - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Let's practice !!

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Let's practice !!
Hi! My name's Worarat. You can call me Grace. I'm Thai native graduated bachelor in finance major last year then bacame a cerdit analyst in Thai state-ownd bank until now. My current job doesn't allow me to use any English skills. That's why I'm looking for opportunities to use English so that I won't forget what I've learnt. Also I will really appreciate it if you will help me enhance English skills.:)

Travelling to new places is my most favorite activity. The place which impress me the most is Philadelphia, nice local people, quiet and beautiful city. I also like photography as it can keep my memory last in subjective world.

Let's share experiences if you have any exposure with Thai or feel interested in any issue I mentioed above.

Nice to meet you, thanks!!

Language pair: English; Thai

May 3, 2015


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