Vacations/Travels - Si vienes a Mexico contactame. If you are visiting Mexico let me know. - Language Exchange

Category: Vacations/Travels
Discussion: Si vienes a Mexico contactame. If you are visiting Mexico let me know.

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Si vienes a Mexico contactame. If you are visiting Mexico let me know.
Hola, a todos. Me llamo Luis Dayanne y soy de Mexico vivo en Monterrey.

Si planean venir a Mexico a visitar avisenme y les puedo ayudar a decidir lugares y ayudarles con el transporte.

Y por que no si tengo tiempo unirme a su viaje :D
Estan invitados a quedarse en mi casa por si gustan, siempre me ha gustado ayudar a otros.

Hey everyone,
If you are planning on visiting MExico let me know. As I can help you with accomodations and maybe transportation.

And If I have time and you are close we can even visit some places together.

You can even stay at my home I case you need it, I am always trying to help visitors as I love travelling too.


Language pair: Spanish; English
Luis Dayanne

September 19, 2015


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