New Member - Phrases said before and after eating - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Phrases said before and after eating

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Phrases said before and after eating
Hello folks! I'm Tae-yeong. Half-Korean, Half-Indian. Currently living in Dubai. (:
Throughout my entire life my oppas, my younger brothers and I were asked to say 잘 먹겠습니더 and 잘 먹었습니다 before and after meals. I know the literal meanings are "I will eat well" and "I ate well" respectively, but why do you say this? Is there some historic or religious reason? Why exclaim that you'll eat your food well?

P.S. It's now become such a habit, that wherever I go I end up saying this lol.
P.P.S. I'm trying really hard to keep in touch with my Korean ethnicity.

Language pair: English; Korean

February 15, 2016


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