Slang/Expressions - Please help me with some Bulgarian!! :) - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Please help me with some Bulgarian!! :)

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Please help me with some Bulgarian!! :)
Hi guys :) I've recently become involved in a serious relationship with a lovely Bulgarian girl at my work. We've been together about six months now, and just lately she's been acting really strange. Anyway, the other morning she was on her phone and acting really suspicious, and then the doorbell rang so she shot up off the chair and her phone dropped onto the floor right by my feet. Anyway, as I picked it up I noticed that she was in the middle of a chat, I'm Bulgarian. There was no other messages on the screen as she had obviously deleted them, but there was one that she had just sent minutes earlier. This seems really suspicious to me, and now I'm worried something might be going on. I need to know if what I saw is as bad as it's making me feel :( Please can somebody help me translate this message? It's driving me mad with worry! The message reads:

da ti e minalo prez uma Che mojesh da mi sazdadesh problemi s tova saobshtenie? Ne mojesh da pishesh kakvoto si Iskash na kogoto si iskash. No na hora Kato teb prosto ne im puka, znaesh mn dobre Che ne Sam single I pak pishesh I nahalstvash

Please help me!!!

Language pair: English; All

August 10, 2016

Re:Please help me with some Bulgarian!! :)
Message content:
"Has it crossed your mind that you can give me troubles with this message? You can't write whenever you want to whoever you want, but people like you don't care. You know that I'm not single and yet you write again."

Language pair: English; All
This is a reply to message # 226294
September 7, 2016


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