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New Member - Australian Girl Seeking French + Dutch Help - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Australian Girl Seeking French + Dutch Help

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# Message Posted By
Australian Girl Seeking French + Dutch Help
Bonjour, Hello, Hallo!

I'm Imogen, a girl from Auatralia. I learn French at school and I am seeking help in this language, especially with things like colloquialisms and idioms and other funny ways of saying things. My French is rather advanced, as I have been taking it for about four years now, but I struggle with some of the future tenses and conjugating these, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am also extremely interested in improving my Dutch because I adore the Netherlands, so if you could help me out with this, that would be fantastic. My Dutch is quite basic, and doesn't extend past greetings and simple sentences.
Shoot me an email or a message and we'll see how everything goes!

Merci, Thank you, Dank u wel!
Au revoir, Bye, Doei!

Language pair: English; French

November 3, 2016


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