Slang/Expressions - How to greet each other using slangs in FRENCH? - Language Exchange

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Discussion: How to greet each other using slangs in FRENCH?

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How to greet each other using slangs in FRENCH?
I can't understand how to greet to friends in french as I am learning french in my graduation and still learning but don't know how to greet friends in FRENCH using slang and not being too vulgar?

Language pair: Hindi; English

January 3, 2017

Re:How to greet each other using slangs in FRENCH?
Hello! You can simply say something like "salut", which is more casual than the regular "bonjour". I'd recommand you to watch out for your intonation too, as a cheerful "bonjour" would certainly sound nicer than a cold "salut", even if the latter is more casual than the former.

You can also straight up go for a "salut, ça va?", which could help start some smalltalk about your evening or weekend or whatever you have in mind when addressing a friend (as opposed to someone you're only acquainted with, in which case the question "ça va"/"comment allez-vous" is more a mark of politeness than actual interest - in my opinion at least).

I hope I could be of help to you!

Language pair: French; English
This is a reply to message # 229374
January 18, 2017


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