Vocabulary/Translations - could someone please tell me how 2 write - Language Exchange

Category: Vocabulary/Translations
Discussion: could someone please tell me how 2 write

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could someone please tell me how 2 write
could someone help me to write the following in turkish ( and in kurdish if you can ) :

it is snowing and very cold

i will call you tonight

i will call you tomorrow

i will call you on saturday

and lastly

i will call you on sunday

Language pair: English; Turkish
December 14, 2003

Re:could someone please tell me how 2 write
it is snowing and very cold = Kar yaðýyor ve hava çok soðuk.

i will call you tonight= Seni bu gece arayacaðým.

i will call you tomorrow= Seni yarýn arayacaðým.

i will call you on saturday= Seni cumartesi günü arayacaðým.

i will call you on sunday= seni pazar günü arayacaðým.*

*Turkish in general read as it is written. However future tense suffixes (-ecek, -acak) are exceptional. While typing; type them as i wrote, while pronouncing; say "ariycam".

Good luck

Language pair: English; Turkish
This is a reply to message # 23086
December 17, 2003


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