Vocabulary/Translations - Help with reviewing a letter I've already written. - Language Exchange

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Discussion: Help with reviewing a letter I've already written.

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Help with reviewing a letter I've already written.
Time is important with this unfortunately. I'm trying to write a letter to my girlfriend. She speaks fluent English as well, however I wanted to write something for her in Russian. Its a rather long letter. I translated it as best as I could, but I've only just begun to study the language. I was hoping someone could review what I wrote, and make corrections for me. Since I'm sure some of my choices make the sentences look a little odd. This is really all I'm needing. Its very important to me, and I should warn you that it is a little personal.

Language pair: Russian; English

July 25, 2018

Re:Help with reviewing a letter I've already written.
You need to message me the letter so I can see it

Language pair: Russian; English
This is a reply to message # 234892
Hannabe Prakash

January 20, 2019

Re:Help with reviewing a letter I've already written.
Hi, i am a native Russian speaker and i could try to help you. Contact me if you are still need help.

Language pair: Russian; English
This is a reply to message # 234892
February 8, 2019


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