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237106 |
2 words for translation into Japanese
Hello. Please help me to translate two words from English into Japanese:
Pullover -
Modest -
I want to tell: Today my pullover is modest.
Language pair: English; Japanese
237199 |
Re:2 words for translation into Japanese
Hello !
Voici la traduction du Français en Japonais.
d'après un logiciel de traduction
Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 237106
237357 |
Re:2 words for translation into Japanese
maybe we can translate it "kyoono watashino pullover wa sissodesu"
Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 237106
238259 |
Re:2 words for translation into Japanese
It will be: 今日、私のプルオーバーは控えめです。 But romaji: kyou, watashi no puruoobaa ha hikaeme desu. This is the spelling version (not the reading version). Reading: ou = õ; oo = õ (just like "ou"); aa = ā; ha = wa (not for all words). Meanings: プルオーバー (pullover); 控えめ (modest)
Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 237106
239310 |
Re:2 words for translation into Japanese
Pullover - パーカー(If Hoodie)、スウェット または トレーナー(Sweatshirt) Modest - ひかえめ
今日の私のトレーナーはひかえめです You can say also: 今日私のトレーナーは地味 (plain, simple, conservative, modest) です
Language pair: English; Japanese
This is a reply to message # 237106