Vocabulary/Translations - difference between вот там and здесь - Language Exchange

Category: Vocabulary/Translations
Discussion: difference between вот там and здесь

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difference between вот там and здесь
Hi! I'm an English speaker trying to learn Russian, and I am having trouble understanding the differences between the prepositions вот там and здесь. I would really appreciate if someone could explain those to me! Thanks so much

Language pair: English; Russian
December 9, 2020

Re: difference between вот там and здесь
Hi Madison,

«вот там» and «здесь» are adverbs rather than prepositions. «Вот там» can mean either “over there” or “right there” («там» by itself means “there”), and «здесь» means “here”.

Language pair: English; Russian
This is a reply to message # 238212
December 14, 2020


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