Vocabulary/Translations - Buongiorno! I'm learning Italian... help is needed. - Language Exchange

Category: Vocabulary/Translations
Discussion: Buongiorno! I'm learning Italian... help is needed.

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# Message Posted By
Buongiorno! I'm learning Italian... help is needed.
How would you tell someone (in Italian), "I'm learning Italian and I know a little bit now but it's progressing slowly". ??

Cheers! :-)

Language pair: English; Italian
January 12, 2004

Re:Buongiorno! I'm learning Italian... help is needed.
Hi, it's Anna from Italy.
a good translation for your sentence is:

"sto imparando l'Italiano e ora lo so un pochino, ma sta progredendo lentamente"

good luck!

Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 24341
January 17, 2004

Re:Buongiorno! I'm learning Italian... help is needed.
Ciao! Ecco come puoi tradurre la tua frase: Sto imparando l'italiano e per il momento lo so poco ma sto facendo progressi lentamente!
I love cooking...just like you! We could exchange some recipes, let me know! Have a nice day!

Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 24341

January 19, 2004


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