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34076 |
American, wanting to improve German and Spanish
27, female, writer hoping to improve language skills. Please contact me if you're interested in corresponding. Thanks! Mel
Language pair: German; Spanish
34466 |
Re:American, wanting to improve German and Spanish
Hey Mel!
I'm 21 and from Germany. I'd like to help you to improve your German. Unfortunately, I'm not a goldmember. Is there another way to contact you?
Language pair: German; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 34076
34657 |
Re:American, wanting to improve Spanish
Hola Mel I am interested in corresponding if you can. I can write and correct Spanish and you teach me English. Ussually I try to chat on friday and Saturday at 8pm Venezuelan hour I hadwanted to chat but I had no be able to do it....because I am not Gold Member and nobody had contacted me first. You dont say your age....I doubt that you are not young but I thing if you are more years old may be better for me because you can know about more areas. sPANISH hE OIDO DECIR QUE EN bOSTON, LA GENTE TIENE UNA CONDUCTA, O FORMA DE COMPORTARSE, DIFERENTE A OTRAS AREAS DE ESTADOS UNIDOS. d
Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 34076
34658 |
Re:American, wanting to improve Spanish
Hola Mel I am interested in corresponding if you can. I can write and correct Spanish and you teach me English. Ussually I try to chat on friday and Saturday at 8pm Venezuelan hour I hadwanted to chat but I had no be able to do it....because I am not Gold Member and nobody had contacted me first. You dont say your age....I doubt that you are not young but I thing if you are more years old may be better for me because you can know about more areas. sPANISH hE OIDO DECIR QUE EN bOSTON, LA GENTE TIENE UNA CONDUCTA, O FORMA DE COMPORTARSE, DIFERENTE A OTRAS AREAS DE ESTADOS UNIDOS. d
Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 34076
34660 |
Re:American, wanting to improve Spanish
Hola Mel I am interested in corresponding if you can. I can write and correct Spanish and you teach me English. Ussually I try to chat on friday and Saturday at 8pm Venezuelan hour I hadwanted to chat but I had no be able to do it....because I am not Gold Member and nobody had contacted me first. You dont say your age....I doubt that you are not young but I thing if you are more years old may be better for me because you can know about more areas. Here you have a big text for 'broake ? your brain (ROMPER EL CEREBRO O EL COCO)
SPANISH HE OIDO DECIR QUE EN BOSTON, LA GENTE TIENE UNA CONDUCTA, O FORMA DE COMPORTARSE, DIFERENTE A OTRAS AREAS DE ESTADOS UNIDOS. Dicen que en Boston son muy CONSERVADORES y que las familias son mas duras, mas estrictas con las libertades para los hijos que en otras regiones de Estados Unidos. Escibeme y me explicas si hay algo de verdad o no en eso que la gente dice.
Aca en Venezuela no hay diferencia de comportamiento por regiones o estados. Se ve algo en cuanto a clase social....las personas que mas dinero tienen generalmente son mas liberales en cuanto a la Educacion de los hijos y los hijos van de viaje con los novios y todo esta bien. Los de menos dinero acostumbran mas a ser mas DECENTES al menos a parecerlo y acostumbran mas el matrimonio y a estar con los padres hasta que se casan.
I hope you like my writting and obtain some learning of it.
Cordial Saludo
Language pair: Spanish; English
This is a reply to message # 34076
36682 |
Re:American, wanting to improve German and Spanish
Hello Mel! I'm spanish and I speak English. It would be nice if you contact me, so you could speak spanish and I could speak English. I'm afraid I'm not a gold member. Best wishes, Monica
Language pair: German; Spanish
This is a reply to message # 34076