38788 |
For Mr Therapy and his needed italian Translation !
Boys, boys!
It may really sound odd to you, but you may wrongly have underestimaded Mr Therapy creativity!
I don't blame it to you, it's nobody's fault. It's not until the POEM is translated into any Romance Language, like italian, when it really makes sense. BUT even it would make sense if you would glimpse further than some simple written lines.
Italian and Spanish, for example, may use Subjunctive mood to better explain personal feelings than English, BUT NOTHING may substitute the ability to do/say/create things that many, many persons may see, but only a few may feel!.
Here is the translation:
And the I am in Italy She is with me,
Making love to my eyes Her eyes, shifting color Blue-green to green-Blue Let those pouting lips smile Let those fair cheeks blush Just so I can see Just so I can feel Like it were for me That I made you smile.
===== E allora Io sonno in Italia Lei è con me Facendo l'amore ai miei occhi I suoi occhi, colori cambianti degli azzurro-verde al verde-azzurro lascia sorridere quelli labbri malumorati lascia arrossire quelle guancie bionde solo perché Io possa vedere solo perché Io possa sentire comme se quello fosse per me perché Io ti hai fatto riddere*.
And also here's the Spanish Translation:
Y ahora estoy en Italia Ella está conmigo, Haciéndole el amor a mis ojos Sus ojos, colores cambiantes Del azul-verde al verde azulado Deja sonreir aquellos labios malumorados Deja sonrojarse aquellas mejillas claras Sólo para que Yo pueda ver Sólo para que Yo pueda sentir Como si lo hubieses hecho por mí Porque fui Yo, quien te hizo sonreir**.
Who says that making love is only having sex, blidly? Love is looking a face, love is a hold, love is a smile, love is what you feel not in your body, but in your heart. (isn't that the point Mr Therapy?)
So love is what you see too!.
For those who have really loved (and for those that haven't yet) this is a beautiful and good explanation of how love can be made to your eyes.
Rafael Palafox
PS. * Italian speakers, may made some corrections to my translation, but the sense remains the same.
** Spanish translation is not neither literally, some minor changes were made to keep as much as possible, the original sense.
Language pair: English; Italian
38974 |
Re:For Mr Therapy and his needed italian Translation !
I’ve seen some other comments on this poem, and I agree with you, on the fact that if you read beyond the mere lines, it does make sense, no matter what language it’s written in. Of course, I do respect other people’s outlook for in fact that’s what literature is about, isn’t it?, ie viewpoints, feelings, etc, which may vary from person to person. To my mind, both translations are very well interpeted.
Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 38788
41637 |
Re:For Mr Therapy and his needed italian Translation !
And the I am in Italy She is with me,
Making love to my eyes Her eyes, shifting color Blue-green to green-Blue Let those pouting lips smile Let those fair cheeks blush Just so I can see Just so I can feel Like it were for me That I made you smile.
Ed eccomi in Italia Lei con me, a fare all amore con i miei occhi I suoi occhi cambiano colore dall'azzuro-verde al verde-azzuro. Lascia sorridere quel broncio lascia arrossire quelle guancie morbide, solo allora potro' vedere solo allora potro' sentire come se fosse per me che ti ho fatto sorridere
Language pair: English; Italian
This is a reply to message # 38788