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42337 |
Can u help me say!!!
Hi, If anyone out there speaks italian and can help me say these one liners in italian i would be really thankful. Well actually I met this italian guy and hes always speaking italian to me and The words he says are so beautiful. So I want to impress him by saying one liners as well. I would really appreciate if someone helps me..
Hi love? I miss you. I missed you. Where have you been? I am calling to tell you that I want to hang out with you. Call me soon. Waiting for your call. Your'e so handsome. Don't leave me. and I think thats it.. as u can tell Im trying ..If u think I need to know more please be my guest and guide me.. Thanks a bunch..ciao
Language pair: Italian; All
42449 |
Re:Can u help me say!!!
Of course I can help you...at least lets try. Well, here is the Italian translation:
Hi love Ciao Amore mio (Chao Amore mio- Hello my love)
I miss you Mi manchi (mi manki)
I missed you Mi sei mancato (mi sei mankato)
Where have you been? Dove sei stato? (do-ve sei stato)
I am calling to tell you Chiamo per dirti (Kiamo per dirti)
that I want to hang out with you che vorrei uscire con te (vorrei- would like to) (ke vorrei usheere con te)
Kiamo per dirti ke vorrei usheere con te
Call me soon Chiamami presto (Kiamami presto)
Waiting for your call Aspetto la tua chiamata (aspetto la tua kiamata)
You're so handsome Sei cosi carino ( sei kozi karino- the 'z' is like Zip)
Don't leave me Non mi lasciare (Non mi lashare)
Well, I hope he won't. Remember: Italian is not as much the language as their unique way of feeling. And exept a few rules they read as they write. Bye Bye
Language pair: Italian; All
This is a reply to message # 42337
42695 |
Re:Re:Can u help me say!!!
Thankyou Sooooooooooooooooo much.... I am very greatful of your help. What language are you trying to learn?
Language pair: Italian; All
This is a reply to message # 42449